Friday, January 6, 2012

school shopping. and a lazy river.

I am listening to Skrillex's new ep. And I fucking love it. 
It's an unreasonable hour to be typing this post.

Again, this is entirely besides the point of the original topic. But I have to let you know, and also insist that you listen to Bangarang. 

I am in my final full semester at lonestar, so, naturally, I'm obsessing over the only two schools that interest me. actually, only one school interests me, the other just happens a conveniently located good university. 

University of Houston. Boom. Right there. Down the street compared to some other schools. Quite a good football team this season (these things are important). Tier One. Not too sure what tier one is, but it sounds pretty damn impressive. "Yeah, I go to a tier one school. No big deal." It just seems like a no brainer to attend. But I don't think I would really like it all that much. Especially being so close to home. I would HAVE to move out. Which also means having to put aside money for a car and the apartment. Which basically means I would probably never move out and hate my life. 

Texas Tech. Pretty far. 9 hour drive kind of far. That's farther than OSU by one whole hour. In my math, that's something like 100 miles.* The campus is something that I know I will love just from looking at pictures. I have a thing for small town schools. It just seems so college-y. The kind of place I always see myself going. Big XII school last time I checked. I don't have to audition for the theatre program, which is perfect because I don't have anything to show for one. And, based on info from the school's website, there is a lazy river at the Rec Center. A fucking lazy river. 

Like at a water park, except on a college campus. It's really a major selling point for me. Even if I'm too self conscience to wear a swim suit in front of my peers.

One thing that both schools have in common, other than both being in Texas, is that I would be automatically accepted. At UH because I would have an Ass. of Arts, and at Texas Tech because I would have more than 24 credit hours with a 2.25 GPA or higher. 

Pretty sweet deal for me either way. I really don't even have to try to get in. I sort of just have to choose. Though none of this debate has taken the cost of attendance into account. 

I'd just rather ignore the debt that will be graduating with me. 

*No math used 

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