Thursday, January 26, 2012

new semester.

Textbooks. Why is it that professors always want students to have their textbook by the second week? Don't they understand that we're broke? Don't they understand that financial aid doesn't start coming through until February? And then it takes weeks afterwards before you actually get the check, or what have you, in the mail. So no, 6 teachers of mine, I don't have ANY textbooks. Simply because I'm jobless and depend on financial aid for such things.

My schedule, as seen in my previous post, is shit.

I have breaks that are too long, and one case where there isn't enough time to get form one class to the other. Plus I have 6 class. SIX. 17 hours. I'm still regretting this decision.

Especially now that I'm doing this stage manager gig.

My professors. I used, and naturally 4 out of 6 of my profs weren't on the site. So, really I just lucked out big time. They all seem fine. I have 3 legit blow off classes. It's harder to fail than it is to pass. Which also makes it incredibly easy to fail if you don't do any of the work, or show up to any of the classes.

Allow me to describe my class and professors.

SOCI 1301. Sociology. The study of people and how they interact with each other and society as a whole. This is the class I signed up for at the last minute. It's the source of my 17 hour regret. He taught at Penn State once. So there's that. He treats it like a college course. Which means not taking role. That's how he treats us like the adults that we are. It's interesting. I figure I'll be good at it because I've been watching people for years.

SPCH 1311. Speech. And that's it. It's kind of like SOCI in that we learn all these things about communication, verbal and non. She's totally clueless as to what the lingo for this generation is like. We told her what "swoll" meant. And we'll do speeches and stuff. I hate public speaking. The class is required for Ass. of Arts.

KINE 1111. Kinesiology. A fancy term for gym. We work out every class. She's real cool, laid back.

GOVT 2301. Government. It's the basics. And I'm taking this class during an election year. So it will simultaneously suck and be awesome. He's kind of quite and a bit awkward, but he actually makes it kind of interesting. And the class likes to talk a lot for an 8:30 am class. Maybe I'll vote.

DRAM 1310. Theatre. It's awesome. He's awesome. I'm kind of biased. All the test are online and not timed. Too easy.

COSC 1401. Computers. The class in 2.5 hours long. That's 1.5 hours too long. It's the basics. The first project was a 3 slide minimum powerpoint. Seriously? He super awkward. Definitely a computer guy. But he mentioned CatDog once, so he's alright.

That's it. Feel free to skip over that part.

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