Sunday, June 24, 2012

tomorrow we run faster, stretch out our arms farther

I don't remember what i posted about last time, but I'm sure I was bitching about something. I figure you can forgive for that because we all need our moments.

Anyway, I feel it necessary to catch you up on a couple things.

1) I am currently taking my last class at Lone Star. Ever. After I pass, I finally get that damn degree.
2) I have been accepted to the University of Houston and will be enrolled for the Fall 2012 semester.
3) I just got a job at a place that shall remain nameless. Because these days you can lose your job over anything.

We shall this place...Store. My first day at Store is tomorrow before class, which prevents me from my usually routine of doing my homework the morning of. but at least I FINALLY have a paying job. Or as my parents said "a real job".

The first thing I'm going to do is get a haircut.

Now that I have a source of income, all I can do it think about the future. Which is strange because the distant future isn't something that I think about. I've never had a real "5-year Plan" laid out that I was going to follow. But now I'm looking at cars and apartments and Chicago and Boston. And none of it is daunting to me; it's as though it's there, waiting for me. And I'm excited for it.

"Chicago vs. Boston" is sort of like my Texas Tech vs. UofH debate a while back. Except that it has nothing to do with college and everything to do with the real world. They're both great for theatre and they're both fucking expensive. Then again, I could just stay in Houston.

I almost forgot about Extremities! It was fantastic. Total switch from Below the Belt. I'm glad I actually got to do it. My next show will be Superior Donuts also at TSW. And after that, nothing until I get properly settled at UH. Which means auditioning for the School of Theatre.

So I need to get a real resume going and a sample portfolio.

The second thing I'll buy with my money: a good camera with which to take artsy photos with. So that this blog can actually have some. Until then:

here's a picture I used months ago. It's the only good one I can find.

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