Monday, August 27, 2012

busy b

Today is the first day of school!

I am currently sitting at Moody Towers listening to the sudden rush of hungry students. I already had something to eat, but there's a sandwich that looks very good.
My next class doesn't start until 1 pm, so I have plenty of time to kill, hence the forthcoming blog post.

How college student-y of me.

My first class was ENGL Intro to Drama. I'm pretty sure I don't need it, but I needed to be a full time student. My 1:00 class is HIST...something. I totally forgot. Something about the American West I think?
On top of my all day school schedule (which I hate by the way), I have to work. And it's not just one job, there's also the show I'm working on: Superior Donuts. Sunday through Thursday night. Work on the weekend mornings. School Monday through Friday.

I've already had one mental breakdown. I mean I lost it. Tears, the whole thing. Well see how long I last I guess.

I am debating whether or not to leave my stuff here and getting that sandwich, or take it with me and risk losing my seat. Because there are a lot of people here. I should have just gone to Chick-fil-A. Or Taco Bell.

I'm also wondering if you need an ID to get into Cougar Village since my next class is in there. And guess who never got an ID?

Back to my schedule. I checked for all professors on ratemyprofessor. One wasn't on there, but so far so good, because the first one was pretty cool. The next one has a good rating also. Tomorrow's first prof was the one with nothing, and the one after her, also a good rating.

So, that's school so far. On to...the show.

So many rehearsals, and so little time. If anything we have a bad ass set. (badass...bad ass?) And Director did it once again with the sound. But the lines! They just don't seem to know their lines. They have to know their lines. It can't be stressed enough. It'll hold us back technically if they can't pull it together. And there's so much I have to do with it.

Things That Need to be Done
-Props list
-Scene breakdown for donuts and coffee
-Stuff that has to go in to fridge 
-Scene breakdown of when coats are taken on/off by each cast member and where said coats are placed and end up

That last one was a long one. 

I think I'm going to go get that sandwich.

*Update: The sandwich was good. It was a grilled ham and cheese. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

about her.

This is really just going to be bitching about my cousin, so feel free to ignore it.

She is 28 years old. 28. Years. Old.
She can barely work a microwave. She got olive oil confused with canola oil. Even though they're kept in completely different containers. She can't cook. Anything. She can make those Tyson chicken strips, but only if she remembers which oil is which. All she even eats is McDonald's: number 7, grilled, only mayo. Number 7. Grilled. ONLY MAYO.

I'll tell you what it is.

She takes 2 showers a day, but doesn't do enough work to justify it. And for a while was doing her laundry. And only her laundry. Why not just go ahead and do all the laundry? We welcome you into our home, feed you (even though you very rudely try to avoid eating because you're so fucking stuck up that you can't even try the food) and you can't just do our laundry too? You know what that amounts to? It means that instead doing laundry once a week, that washer was on almost 3 times a week! She certainly didn't pay the water of electric.

Dishes. Me and my sister are on a rotation. Every other night, I do the dishes. Except not lately because I have rehearsal every night. But other than that, it's an every other day thing. Cousin only does her one dish, and just leaves the rest. She has done the dishes two nights out the 4 months that she's been here. At first we didn't have her do them because she was a guest, and this was a short term thing, but now it's just fucking ridiculous. When I do the dishes, I do everyone's dishes, including hers.

And the food. Let's talk about the food. We touched on it earlier. How she tries to avoid eating what me and mom cook. She doesn't eat rice, corn, or pasta. The first time my mom made some pasta she somehow managed to totally avoid eating it. Isn't that rude? If someone cooks for you, wouldn't you at least try it? Isn't that the polite thing to do? And recently, she gotten into the habit of buying herself lunch. Wouldn't call someone who's at home and ask if they wanted something too? I've paid for her dinner, my parents have paid for her dinner. But she can't be bothered to call and see if we're hungry? The only thing that she's paid for is some Coke. And that's because she drink about 3 cans a day. We, as a family of five, would have a 24 pack of 12 oz cans of coke around for about a week and a half. When she showed up, we could barely keep that same size pack for 3-4 days.

It was me who finally lessened her drinking. She was having ANOTHER coke, with her breakfast of all the damn times, and I finally said "Another coke? Good lord. Do you drink water?" The next day she was drinking a bottle of water. Only bottled water, never out of the fridge. She too good for the fridge-water.

And she's an total idiot. She has no clue about what's going on in the world. Current events, world news, local news, nothing. My brother, an avid reader, tried to talk with her (which is the closest to talking to a wall you ever get outside of actually talking to an actual wall) about books. Nothing. A part of me wonders if she even knows how to read. Me and my siblings were raised watching Jeopardy, we all read, and we're all doing well in school. She doesn't read, only watches FX, and took 10 years to get a supposed degree.

We were told so many great things about her. That she had a degree in Business Administration; nope, she has a secretarial something or other. That she's a great cook; nope, she couldn't even use the microwave. That she's always going to out to parties; nope, she stays in my room 90% of the time she's in the house.

Does she at least have a job? Yes. Full time. Actually at the same Store that currently employs me. When she found out that I got a job there, the jealously on her face was incredible. And maybe you think it was just in my head. Maybe I wanted her to be jealous. No. Because I wasn't the only one who noticed.

And maybe you even think that I might sound jealous of her. Nope. Not at all. I'm proud of myself for being nothing like her. I were thrown out into the world with $1000 cash, I would be able to do something. She's getting money from family in Puerto Rico all the time. And we have the same grandparents. The only I get from them is $50 birthday money every year; same for my brother and sister. Our grandfather pulled out a loan for her car to be shipped over here. She regularly gets money sent over.

So, no, I'm not jealous, but I am frustrated. I have never been so frustrated with a single person in my entire life. I look at her, and feel frustration course through my body. And I'm disappointed. Because I was so excited to have my cousin stay with us. To have some family with us that could get to know and maybe even get along with. Maybe even move out and be roommates with. But we were lied to, by our own family no less. I can't stand her. I can't wait until she finally leaves.

She just has such a selfish, lazy, "I deserve everything" attitude.

And remember, this is a 28 year old that I'm talking about.