Thursday, July 26, 2012

the fork.

There's one thing that needs to be understood right now: I have a tendency to be possessive. Of objects. Not people. That'd be creepy.

Another thing to know: I have a particular fork that I use to eat. It is noticeably different from the other forks, which are clearly part of a set. I feel awkward when I eat with any fork other than my fork. 


But I stopped her.

There I was digging around the drawer for my fork. Digging in the little thing that holds utensils after they've been cleaned by the sink. And then the almost anxiety. Because if it were full-on anxiety over a fork, I would just have give up on life. Bottom line: I needed. my. fork. So I ask aloud, "Where is my fork?"

"What...this one?" And there it is. In her hand. ALREADY BEEN USED. UGH.

"But it's just like all the others."


It has a different look. The prongs are thicker. It's heavier. It's totally different! I know because I held up my fork and a regular fork, and I was told that yes, they are totally different!

Unbelievable. She looked at me like I was fucking insane. I already gave her my room, some of my closet, and now she think I'll let her take my fork. No. No no no. I don't think so.

So that's that. She never used it again. And if I catch her with it, I will fucking lose.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

the cup.

This one isn't really a personal story, rather one that unfolded before my eyes.

My mom has a cup. You know, like, there's always that one cup you use to drink water or something? Well, this was my mom's OJ cup.

First full day that Cousin is here, that's the cup she takes. To drink Coke. For breakfast. What the fuck? I know I'm unhealthy, but that shit is ridiculous. So, mom let's it slide. Just to make her feel comfortable. We can't have some shit go down on the first day, right?

Second day. Again with the cup. Third day, again. Before we know it, almost 3 months have gone by, and she's still using mom's cup. In all fairness, there was ample time to mention that it was someone else's cup and have Cousin get another, but then I wouldn't have a story.

Finally, a few weeks ago, something was done about it. One day, a conversation very similar to the following takes place between me and my sister in hushed tones, even though Cousin was a work:

Sister: "I took the cup."
Me: "What? What cup?"
"Mom's cup."
"You took mom's cup?"
"I still don't --"
"Mom's cup that [Cousin's name] has been using!"
"You took the cup? Where is it?"
"I hid it. We're going to tell her that we think it's broken."

We relay all of this to my mom. Yes, it seems like a lot of work versus kindly asking someone to stop using a cup. But think about how fucking weird that sounds. "Um, could not keep drinking out of that cup? It's mine. For orange juice." Cousin doesn't understand this family dynamic! We have our things, but she would just look at us like we're fucking crazy.

But how would I know that if we've never told her? Because a similar event happened to me. Before this one. But I like that story more, so I saved it for later.

As for the cup? The cup is currently hiding in an unknown location in my mom's room. Cousin thinks it's broken.

Not a word has been mentioned of it since.

Monday, July 23, 2012

new mini-series.

My cousin moved in with my family 3 months ago. From Puerto Rico.

So I decided to write about it at the suggestion of a couple of people.

A little background for now. Then I guess I'll tell some stories.

As I said before, she comes from the island. She's 28. She's had the incredible luxury of growing up around, and practically being raised by, an aunt, uncle, and grandparents. I call it a luxury because I've only ever pet these people a small handful of time. Maybe 5. Of that 5, I might remember 3. Once they came to Houston. Once that I can remember.

I've also only met my cousin this same amount of times.

So why did she leave a life in Puerto Rico? A life with family who dote on her like a goddamn princess, and (supposedly) friends. We don't know. We may never know. And quite frankly, I don't care too much at this point. We'll get to all that in due time.

The girl has been spoiled fucking rotten for her entire life.

Anyway, she transferred from a store there to a store over here. Same one.

When we started hearing talks about the fact that our cousin, who we almost never see, was moving to Houston, we were pretty damn excited. I offered her my room. Because I do nice shit like that. She got here about a week before mother's day, and we were told that she would have her own place with in a month.

That's what we were told.

It took about that long just to get her damn car over here. Which is a piece of shit by the way.

And now it's 3 months after she arrived, and she's still in my room.

Where am I? I'm sharing a room with my mom.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Yesterday I was waiting for class to start, so naturally I was at the smoking pavilion.

Then my professor walks out of the building. He looks like a damn student. For real. He also smokes.

We had a full fledged conversation about the Fourth of July and family and school. He smoked one Spirit to my 2.5 Camels.

It was weird. Just so weird. But not at all awkward, which was also weird. As for the class, I'm going to pass it so whatever.

As for today, I got my first paycheck! It's direct deposit, so I checked my account online. I have a grand total of....about $88. 

Not even triple digits. Incredible. But we all have to start somewhere.

Speaking of the Fourth of July, I made some bomb ass burgers. I wish I should've taken a picture before they were devoured, but with a whole 88 bucks I can only afford a disposable camera at this point. And let's be honest, how embarrassing would it be to go out and buy a fucking disposable camera? I also made fried chicken. So good. I should've taken a picture of that too. 

What else, what else.......

Superior Donuts! Superior Donuts starts this month! Auditions are July 22-23 and then the next week we start rehearsal and then run Sept 7-22. Or maybe the 23. We'll get there when we get there. So I'll be doing that for a while.

And yeah, that's what going on. There is truly no point to this post, I just felt like I had to update. I'll leave you with this:

Things I'm going to Buy with my New-Found Windfall (in no particular order)
1) A damn haircut
2) A proper camera
4) A car via saving up
5) Archery lessons (because I want to be Katniss when I grow up)
6) Video games
7) Random odds and ends to resupply my tacklebox
8) A pack of college-rule paper
9) A nice red wine that would pair nicely with a Harry Potter marathon 
10) A cookbook 
11) Gas ($3.08 at Kroger!) 
12) All the Hunger Games books 
13) Some worthless stuff