Friday, February 17, 2012

what i really do.

I can't translate this to Latin. And I have to.

I think I've taken on the added role of Prop Master for the show, and I have to type love letters and company forms. And Director wants for the words to be in Latin. Because that's just how things are done. And I was running behind on my rehearsal reports.

But I did find this awesome font.

Other than that, the show is going fantastic. Thanks for asking.

Everybody is doing this thing, but there weren't any for Stage Managers, so I made one myself. I'm proud.

And that's the gist of it. 

School is.......going. Just going. I really just want to have a good GPA and transfer out of here. I think I've settled on UH. Settled. But they have an SM program. How can I ignore that? 

The UH SM degree plan says I have to take Tai Chi? The fuck is that about? 

Anyway. I think I'll just apply to UH, get in, and then audition a semester later. Because none of their shit makes any sense. 

This post really doesn't have a point. I just felt the need to update. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

tackle box.

I fully intended to follow the pattern established last week when I did two posts in the same day. One on school, the other on the show. But I have nothing to say about school.

I mean, what haven't you heard, or said yourself, that I would just repeat? Exactly.

But nobody does theatre. So I'll talk about that.

In my last post I mentioned my beloved tackle box. I think I have to further explain, but it's pretty weird to imagine a non-fisherman, 20 year old girl just carrying around a tackle box of seemingly random shit.

It's even weirder if you don't know what a tackle box is.

-12 binder clips
-2 pink erasers
-24 pack of pencils (2 already out, sharpened, and used)
-2 glue sticks
-a bag of red, yellow, and blue rubber bands
-5 highlighters (pink, yellow, green, blue, orange)
-utility knife
-pencil sharpener
-an excessive amount of post-it notes

I should also have tissues, a first aid kit, a small sewing kit, spike tape, measuring tape, chalk, aspirin, safety pins, glow tape, paper clips, breath mints, pain killers, a flashlight, a stop watch and probably more pencil and post-it notes.

I always have this tackle box open and ready during rehearsal. I only ever reach into it twice: the first time to get out post-it notes and a pencil, the second time to get out the highlighter that I forgot to get out with the pencil and post-it notes. Other than that, it just sits there; most of the items haven't been touched. Except for by accident when I get out the post-it notes or sharpener.

I'm waiting for the day Director asks me to get something, and I don't have it.