Monday, February 15, 2016

Holy shit. I had a blog.

I honestly have no idea when the last time I posted anything was.
I don't remember what i was doing the last time I posted.
I have no idea what my blog even looks like.

So I'll just fill you in on a bunch of things.

I was probably going to major in theatre the last time anyone bothered to read this. Chances are that I was even working on a show as a stage manager.
I graduated from the University of Houston in December with a degree in Media Production. Which basically means I was film student, but I didn't really watch any films. I didn't do theatre in any capacity for about a 3 years stretch that was ended in 2015.

Currently, I'm working as a video editor at an education company and stage managing an original work that'll be making it's debut next month.

Recently, I helped a friend out with a short film that ended up winning best directing in a local contest. We worked on it for 4 days. Nights technically. We shot it at night.
I was sort of a combo grip/audio.
The final night of filming went until about 1:00 AM and graduation was the next day (same day?). I got no sleep and was falling asleep in my seat at graduation, but it was worth it.

I also got to work as a production assistant for The Voice, but I signed a bunch contracts that I didn't read for that, so I'm not going to say anything more than literally this sentence on it (but it was really cool).

I guess that point of this blog was to be some sort of comeback story after falling my freshman year of college. And I guess I came back. I mean I graduated.

So, if I ever come back to this, it'll really just be to talk about whatever it is I'm working on at that time.

Here's the short: