Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Way Longer Than Expected (That's What She Said)

Wow. It's been a little while, huh? So this is really more a catch-up on what I've been up to.

First: I quit my job at Walgreens. Basically, I hated it. No schedule flexibility, among other things.

Second: I recently changed my major! Yes, I know. "There she goes again, pretending to fully commit to something that she'll regret a few months from now." But this time, this time I think it will stick.

I should explain myself. Let's travel back to a few weeks after the start of the semester before the start of the semester. I auditioned for the School of Theatre at the University of Houston, specifically the Stage Management program. Now, let's fast forward to a few weeks after the start of the spring semester: I finally get a letter from them (they said it would take a few weeks, and it took a few months).

It was a rejection letter.

Okay. Fine. It sucked. It still kind of sucks. But, then I was faced with a decision. Basically, do I spend even more time in school trying to do this theatre thing, or do I move on? Do I even really want to do theatre? Truly, money is no object, do I want to do it for the rest of my life? And honestly, I saw myself getting bored and frustrated with it. Like, it would be really cool for a long time, but after that, what?

Do I just stick with my History degree? What will even do with it? Teach? I mean, yeah, I'd be a badass teacher, but do want to be a badass teacher? Not really what I had in mind.

How did I chose theatre? So, here is the story of how I ended up doing theatre, thought about it, and changed my mind.

6th Grade: I am in a program called  AMT, or Art, Music, Theatre. I excel at all three (in my mind). But it is with the last bit, Theatre, that I decide that I want to be an actor. Looking back, acting was the one thing I was pretty bad at. Regardless, I did those fun middle school thespian tournaments. Storytelling, monologues, lip sync (which I actually have a trophy for), etc, etc. I even had plans to go to Julliard, the only fine arts school I had ever heard of at that point (LOL). And so went my middle school years. Somewhere in this time I watched a behind-the-scenes featurette in my Pirates of the Caribbean DVD. They were building a cave (relevant).

High School: No theatre. No theatrical involvement of any kind. But it was always in the back of my mind to get back to it. Maybe. One day. Probably not. Then, and I really can't remember how it happened, but I think my mom was there, I was looking through the course catalog or something ad there it was: Technical Theatre. All the joy of theatre without all of the "in front of people". A one Ms. Wilson was my first teacher. She was good, but favoritism was a problem with that one. Seussical the Musical was the big show that year. I helped build the set, and to this day I have a piece of it hanging in my room. The next year I was in Tech Theatre 2. Tapia was one of the best teacher I ever had, real talk. She knew what she doing and let us run the shows more than we had been used to I think. I did a lot in that one year. I helped design a show. I was a set supervisor. I was a light board operator. A sound board operator. That year was awesome. (Don't forger that PotC thing yet okay?)

College: Oklahoma State University. I was a Theatre major (What else would I be? No really. What else?). I even accepted to the B.F.A. Theatre program for Scenic Design. I'm not sure if it's difficult to get into, or even mildly prestigious in any way, but I was damn proud. I did costumes for Our Town (lame) and was the Assistant Stage Manager for Thoroughly Modern Millie (AWESOME). And then, it was over. And my fault. Oh well. So I moved back home, went to a community college (and let me tell you, it is nothing like the show), and had plans to transfer back with an improved GPA. NOPE. I still failed in virtually every way. Sometimes I still do (but I'm funny so it's okay). So I stayed and just went for an Associate's of Arts, mainly so that I wasn't wasting any more time. In my last year there, I started getting involved in community theatre. I sent an email to the Country Playhouse asking for work helping out with sets and small things. Nothing big. The next day I received a phone call. They wanted me to be a stage manager. Nothing big right? The only experience I had was from a year ago in college as an ASM. But I did it anyway. And it was great. And I was good at it. I'm not good at very many things, so this was a revelation. I did a couple more shows at Theatre Southwest. I graduated with my AA. I  went to the

University of Houston: (This could have gone under College, but it was getting waaaay too long (hehehe)). I declared a major in History with every intention of double majoring in Theatre SM. I really enjoy history, and it's a more practical field, just in case. I got a sample prompt book ready to go. I admit, maybe I took it a bit lightly. I didn't think that there were 18 year olds out there who had the opportunity to completely design their own show. But, still, I thought I did pretty good. I was the second oldest one in the room outside of faculty. The rest were high school students, except for the one guy older than me. I was jealous of their talent. Anyway, I didn't get accepted.

So now we've finally gone full circle in my story (right? because I'm not re-reading this). But what about PotC you ask? That's what I'm getting to. In my 1296846 re-evaluation of my life, I remembered PotC. That movie got me into theatre. But what if I should have just gotten into movies? I don't know a damn thing about Broadway. I never watch the Tony's, but have yet to miss an Academy Award. Even when thinking about theatre, I picture myself somehow transitioning into film and television. I'm still glad that I did theatre for as long as I did; I'm sure that it will me help me out in the long run in some way. But it was always something else. And that's okay. It just took me a while to figure it out.

I just checked, and realize that I still haven't told you what my new major is.

My major is Media Production with a minor in History (still holding on, that one is). I'm going to do something with this degree that I love. I will move out to LA, and the rest of my life will play out like the feel-good movie of the decade. Starring me. And my best friend Emma Watson. And my boyfriend Ryan Gosling.
