Monday, December 19, 2011

first post.

i'm watching SNL. the semester is over. and instead of partying like a normal 20-something, i'm on my computer watching SNL on hulu. Jimmy Fallon is the host.

totally besides the point.

except for the part where i mentioned the end of the fall '11 semester. hope you read that bit. it was good. you know, in case you were wondering. oh my grades? well, i have a semester GPA of 3.077. exactly. cumulative GPA of 2.5something. not too shabby all things considered.

i guess with this first post, i just want to let you know what the blog will be based around. and like my description says, it's going to follow my re-entrance into the world of the 4 year university. key word: re-entrance. "she's been there before?!?!" why yes, i have. maybe i'll go into that in my next post. oh the antici.............pation.